Ionut-Teodor Sorodoc

About me
Doctoral student in the The AMORE project, Pompeu Fabra University, working at the intersection between Computational Linguistics, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence. I'm a proud member of the The Computational Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (COLT) group led by Gemma Boleda.
In 2017, I graduated from the Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT), at CIMeC, University of Trento and University of Malta, under the supervision of Raffaella Bernardi.
- April 2022: I defended my Doctoral thesis: Learning to identify and encode entities with deep learning models!
- April 2022: Our paper Challenges in including extra-linguistic context in pre-trained language models has been accepted at Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP, colocated with ACL 2022.
- November 2021: I presented a poster at BlackboxNLP 2021
- November 2021: I joined Amazon Alexa as an applied science intern under the supervision of Marco del Tredici.
- April 2021: We organized the EACL SRW Workshop.
- May 2020: We organized the GeCKo symposium
- April 2020: I am a member of the student board of EACL
- March 2020: Our paper Probing for referential information in language models has been accepted at ACL 2020 in Seattle!
- February 2019: We organized the COLT kick-off workshop
- December 2018: I presented a poster at Deep Learning Barcelona Symposium
- June 2018: I joined Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research as a research intern under the supervision of Tomas Mikolov
- June 2018: Our paper Comparatives, Quantifiers, Proportions ... has been presented at NAACL-HLT2018 in New Orleans!
- October 2017: I joined Gemma Boleda's group at COLT as a PhD student!
- December 2016: I defended my Masters thesis: Learning to quantify from images!